My name is Diana Kerekes, I have been a RN for over 24 yrs. I thought I would want to be a nurse forever but then I saw what nursing had become, and boy I did not what to do that for the rest of my life.Just like my colleagues I got tired of working long hours and not being able to do my job.TO BE A NURSE! I love touching people's lives and I still plan to do so with my blog.
So, with that in mind ,I started looking at different programs out there to start a home based- business.I said it can't be that bad compared to being yelled at having to deal with death and dying, and tring to save lives.This must be a piece of cake WRONG!
You know why I did not know where to start.
Then I thought ok, I'll look in the paper or online and take it from there. Well,many promising the moon only to have either empty promises or complicated programs /compensation plans that took too long to understand.
What I then did was start reading all the books I could get my hands on about home based businesses thinking okay this is the approach to success. Sure if you want to read volumes upon volumes of books. Don't misunderstand me there are some great books I came across which I will share with you in future blogs .
I had no mentor no coach in the business world . I WAS ALONE!! When you start any business you need people or guess what you don't have a business.
You need the support of either your family or friends.There will be negative people out there to discourage you. Always remember "WHAT ARE THEY DOING WITH THEIR LIVES".I was very fortunate that I always had my husband Peter behind me.There will be times you will want to quit,but remember this to shall pass.
If you have a burning passion and desire to start a business you can do it. YOU WILL FIND THE WAY !!!
I now am the owner of DPK CREDIT & BUSINESS SERVICES,LLC . I am always learning new things. I am willing to grow from each new experience. I have met such wonderful exciting people which Iwill introduce in further blogs.
My goal really is to spare at least one person what I went through and to share different ways with others as well as to invite others to share with me their ideas .
So, as I close today I will start with the basics of what to do first to start you business on my next blog.
Why Bother With a Healthier Coffee?
15 years ago
Awesome Post Diana... it's funny how almost all successful people I meet in the Network Marketing field have pretty much the same story when they first started. It's a huge learning curve and those that stick with it... are the people like you, who are having the most success right now.
Look forward to reading more posts!
Scott OBrien
Hi Diana
I thank that a lot of people have the
same story. If you stick to it and keep learning how to market you well
have success.
Have grate success
Larry Feiler
Good post, Diana. I am doing a similar thing on my blog. I have posted twice and have 6 or 7 more to go on the subject of "what doesn't work" in internet marketing.
Take care.
Great post, Diane.
I also come from a nursing background & was never able to finish anything , they were so short-handed.
Network marketing provides a type of release.
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