Thursday, July 31, 2008


Let's pick a product or products. What is active on the market. What are the Mega trends?There are six mega-trends right now you should try to focus on or at least one if not all.The first one is there are Health & Wellness.Everyone is intersted in finding out abut living long. There are about 10,000 baby boomer reaching retirement age every day. This is a trillion dollar indusrty.The second is Weight Loss - Studies show this is a multi-billion dollar industy.Just look at all the products out on the makeket targeting weight loss and fitness.The next Mega trend is Home Based Businesses-70,000 businesses are started each week according to USA.Internet-90 BILLION DOLLAR Industry.People are tired of their jobs.A product I am present working with is the second most traded comodity in the WORLD. It is Coffee. People consume Billions of cups of coffee around the world. Do I have a needed product ? You better believe it. Mega Trend Webucation. The product that stands out is MagnunIQ.Everone needs some type of education to make themselves more marketable, advanced for future careers.

Design your website

The website you pick should be easy to maneuver and easy for you to update. There are free website out there but remember you are representing You. Your customer sees the site for the first time .Make the first impression the best impression. You can also have it professionally done if you want .It is important to have a capture page to obtain the names and e-mails of potential prospects who maybe interseted in your products or services.Remember to have a privacy page on your website.It is also important to test your website daily to make sure it is functioning properly.Follow the antispam rules.Follow your theme. Give correct information. Become an expert in your products. Be a product of your product.

Now pick a niche ?

Ok so you have a name . What do you want to represent . What is your Passion? What is your niche? The definition of a niche is a distinct niche market usually evolves when a potential demand for a product or service is not met by any supply, or when a new demand arises due to changes in society, technology, or the general environment. Your need a rarity. What makes YOU stand OUT of the crowd. Niches are special. Like people and raindrops are different so should your business. Remember there is no other Hope diamond or NEW YORK City or Elvis to name a few. Stand up and be noticed Be You.